Yesterday I went to the Earlee Mug, a key-friendly restaurant in Granby, MA, and they have an incredible burger served on a cauliflower bun. I used a knife and fork to eat this burger, but it was worth it! If you're looking for an inexpensive and key-friendly place to eat, this small diner-like restaurant may be just the spot for you.
A couple months ago a few key-friends and I went to the Earlee Mug for breakfast. I had heard they  makes BLT's on cauliflower buns and we wanted to give them a try. They sold out of them just before we arrived. We were disappointed, but not at all surprised. I scanned the specials listed on the chalkboard and when I saw meatball omelet, I knew there had to be some one working there following the key program. Sure enough, Jennifer recognized a couple of us.

They often have daily specials that include key friendly items. I haven't had their pulled-pork omelet, but am willing to give a try any time. All four of us ordered meatball omelets with a side of ham. Oh yeah, they have incredible ham that they slice right off the bone. We were all happy, happy, happy with our breakfast and we vowed to come back again to try a sandwich with the cauliflower bun.
Yesterday I decided I didn't want to wait any long, so I went by myself for lunch. The cauliflower buns were just out of the oven!
I ordered a cheeseburger and onions on the cauliflower bun and watched Jennifer cooking my lunch on the grill.
Jennifer plated up my sandwich and it tasted as delicious as it looked.
The cauliflower bun reminded me of a Johnny cake, which doesn't tell you much if you've never had one, but trust me - it was delicious! The texture of the bun was firmer than cornbread but not as fluffy as a slice of bread, it was just the right consistency.

Usually I add ketchup and mustard to my burgers, but there was no need on this burger. The meat was juicy and flavorful and the peppers cooked just right.

And of course the best part is this was a key-friendly lunch!
Jennifer has perfected the cauliflower bun. I encourage you to go try one for yourself some time soon!

Check out the Earlee Mug on Facebook.

Here's a recipe for cauliflower buns. I haven't made them yet, but if I get around to it I will post photos with the recipe. One thing I understand about making these is that it's key to this recipe is to really squeeze out the excess moisture. Jennifer said she leaves them on a towel for a while to really let them dry out.
If you love cabbage, you are going to freak out about how good this dish is. If you are on the fence about cabbage, this might be the recipe that converts you to a cabbage lover.
This is a simple side dish worthy of a dinner party and couldn’t be easier to make. Four ingredients, a couple of minutes to prepare and toss in the oven for an hour.

  • 1 (approx 2lb) head of organic green cabbage, cut into 1 inch thick slices
  • 1.5 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 large garlic cloves, smashed
  • Kosher salt (optional)
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Olive oil
  1. Preheat oven to 400F
  2. Pull outer leaf off cabbage and then cut cabbage from top to bottom (bottom being root) into slices one inch thick.
  3. Rub both sides of cabbage with smashed garlic.
  4. Use a pastry brush (or fingers) to evenly spread olive oil over both sides of the cabbage slices.
  5. Sprinkle each side of cabbage with a bit of kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper.
  6. Roast cabbage on the middle rack for 30 minutes. 
  7. Carefully flip the cabbage "steaks" and roast for an additional 30 minutes until edges are brown and crispy.
  8. Serve hot and enjoy!
Photo and original recipe source: AmberLee
Are you looking for a way for this to be "the year" you gained control over you weight issues? Look around: help is everywhere. Inspirational words, photos, and videos are at your fingertips. Literally. All you have to do is search online. Pinterest, YouTube, and other social media, are full of all kinds of inspiration. Why not use these free tools to help inspire you to reach your goal size? Let's start today!

Be inspired by the awe of nature photography you find online, but also get out and take some photos. Let your inner child out and have fun with your camera. As you take photos, reflect how easily you move about in the world without that extra weight you used to carry. If you are just beginning your weight loss journey, visualize how incredible you too will feel when you lose weight.

If it's too cold to go outside, go online and look for photos of the places you always wanted to travel to and use those photos to inspire you to stay the course on your weight loss journey. Collect images and videos of your dream vacation and visualize yourself walking there and feeling incredible. 

The are are tons of free online tools that allow you to collect and store inspirational images and videos. One of my goals for 2015 is to expand my Pinterest boards. The beauty of Pinterest is that I use it to inspire me and to inspire others as well. Care to join me? If you don't know what Pinterest is, perhaps it's time to find out.

When you hear an inspirational quote, share it with others. Post it to your Pinterest account. If Pinterest doesn't excite you, post inspirational images and quotes on your refrigerator. Surround yourself with inspiration in whatever way works for you.

You can even find inspiration from TV news, as I did this past weekend. The quote below is from a girl on a team that lost 84 straight games - that's four years of playing before they had a victory! See the 3-minute video With 4-year losing streak on the line, hoops team goes for broke.
"If you keep putting in the time and effort, it will pay off."
This inspirational quote is so applicable to weight loss: stay the course and it will pay off for you too!

After watching that video, how can I ever complain about being on a plateau? I know if I keep putting in the time and effort, I will reach my goal! And so will you.

This morning I was looking for inspiration to help me get and stay motivated to exercise. Now that winter has really kicked in, the number of steps I've been walking have dramatically decreased. I have a treadmill, but I haven't stepped on it yet and it's too messy to walk outside. So, what's a girl to do? Go online and find help!

I did a Google search and I found a ton of motivational exercise videos and articles, as well as apps, many which are free. I downloaded the app "Exercise Gym and Weight Loss Motivation Hypnosis" By Erick Brown (free from iTunes).

Today I'm starting a 30-day squat challenge and before I do my first squat or get on my treadmill, I'm going to listen to Erick's app. I have not been able to reach my previous attempts at a 30-day squat challenge, so this time I found a squat challenge that looks more reasonable for where I am in my journey:

Once I found a chart that looked reasonable, I searched for a good video on how to properly do a squat...

Exercise is key to helping us not only take weight off, but to keep it off. How motivated are you to reach your goal size? Do you need help finding inspiration? Look online.

Do you need motivation to start exercising or to keep going? Ask a friend to exercises with you. Is the weather too horrible to get outside? No problem - go online and use Skype to exercise together from your own homes (you can even stay in your jammies).

Use the free online tools that are out there to help you get motivated and stay motivated, to reach your goals this year! You can do this! You are doing this!

January 5, 2015 update:

I highly recommend the Exercise Gym and Weight Loss Motivation Hypnosis app! I listened to it last night and again this morning. It is inspiring and motivating. And best of all - it's free!

I actually listened while I was on the treadmill last night, so it wasn't the meditation that inspired me to get on the treadmill, but it did keep me going. Well, that is until I realized it was midnight and I needed to get to bed.

My little mean girl didn't say a word when I got off the treadmill at 12:03 am with less than my 10,000 steps for the day. Sure, it took me all day to listen to my own advice and turn on this meditation, but it was great and I'm proud that I stepped up and started exercising once again!

I am so inspired that I listened this morning before getting out of bed. As soon as I finish this update, I'm going to do my squats and then get on the treadmill again.

We do our very best today and then we do it again tomorrow. Are you ready to start moving today? Small goals is where you begin. Set a goal for today and just do it!

As the new year begins, I think about resolutions I've made in past years. It's wonderful no longer promising myself "this year I will lose weight" only to disappoint myself year after year. I started the Key Hypnosis weight loss program on January 31, 2011 and I have no disappointment in looking back.

These four years have been an incredible learning experience for me. I've learned a lot about myself and not only have I changed the foods I eat (and don't eat), I've also evolved in other ways...

My energy level has increased ten-fold! I used to barely be able to walk five minutes and today I can easily walk for five hours.

I'm more comfortable in my skin and moving through life than ever before. When I walk into a room, I no longer look around to 1) see if I'm the largest person there or 2) to search for a chair that's big enough for me to fit into.

I had many plateaus along this journey, but this summer I started dropping weight again and I'm getting close to my goal size.

I often stop and look back at where I've been, to inspire me to stay on course to reach my goal. I know that once I reach my goal I will no longer need to focus on where I've been, because when I reach my goal size that is the size I want to keep in my vision. I'll be able to let go of the memories of my heavier self.

Meanwhile, I remember to do what Julie taught in the first session: visualize what I want to look like. I'm not sure exactly what size that is, so I'm looking around at women who are my height and structure.  To help visualize my goal size, I'm going to start asking women what size they are.

I'm ready for 2015 to be the year I reach my goal size and learn maintenance. Are you? Let's go for it together!

You know how to do the program, so do your best and visualize this happening to you too!
What you want to look like at your goal size? Look around at others, find a person who is your ideal size, and start visualizing yourself that size.

This yummy recipe comes from our key contributor Jennifer. In this recipe you roast slices of acorn squash, turn them over, and then add an egg to the center of each squash. Plan on about an hour from your first cut of the squash to your first bite - which by the way is incredible!
  • 1 carnival or acorn squash
  • Olive oil
  • 3-4 large eggs (1 per slice of squash)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh herbs or freshly grated cheese (optional - to add before serving)
  1. Prepare the squash: slice crosswise into 3/4 inch-thick rings, then scrape out the seeds and pulp. I used organic acorn squash.
  2. Preheat the oven to 425 and line a baking sheet with tinfoil. 
  3. Spray the baking sheet lightly with cooking spray or coat with a little olive oil. 
  4. Place the prepared squash rings on the baking sheet, and brush the tops and insides with some olive oil.
  5. Bake the rings for 20 minutes, then flip them over and return the baking sheet to the oven.
  6. Prepare the eggs by cracking each one into its own bowl or cup. 
  7. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and slide one egg into the middle of each squash ring.
  8. Sprinkle eggs with salt and pepper and then carefully return the pan to the oven. 
  9. A tiny bit of egg white may ooze out from the edge of the squash rings, but the pan should be hot enough to set the eggs fairly quickly and keep you from losing too much.
  10. Bake for 8-12 minutes or until the whites are almost set and the yolks are almost done to your liking, as the eggs will continue to cook after you remove them from the oven
  11. Use a spatula to carefully transfer the squash and egg rings onto plates.
  12. Serve hot.
  13. Top with salt, pepper, herbs, and cheese as desired.
Next time, I make this dish I will slice the squash thicker than I did today. This is one of my new favorite dishes!
Some of you have indicated you fell off-program over the holidays and I'm sorry to hear this. This seems to have brought out your little mean girl/boy (inner critic) and she's been acting out ever since. She keeps reminding you of your past (i.e., off-program foods that you ate) and how you've slacked off on your exercise routine. She's urging you to have just one bite and telling you that you can start again tomorrow. It's time to tell your little mean girl to hush and stop breaking the rules. It's time to jump back in the river right now!
Little Mean Girl is the voice of our inner critic.
Her negative words fill us with self-doubt.
She thrives best when throwing a temper tantrum.
Hush little mean girl, hush.
Don't wait for "tomorrow" to start again. This program is about change and change happens NOW, not tomorrow, not on January first, and not after x, y, or z - NOW. If you've gone through the sessions with Julie, you have all the tools within you to get back on program. You got this! Don't wait another moment. You can do this.

Focus your energy on following the program rules once again. When we break the rules we break the pattern and this confuses our bodies. Eating something “just this once” that isn’t on program or even if it is but we are choosing to have something in a way that breaks the rules (salad before the meal, veggies alone, yogurt alone, too much yogurt, eating the same thing over and over, etc.) creates a new pattern.

Patterns are essential. Our body likes patterns and wants to follow them. For example, when someone eats sugar, and they “get away with it” then they start to develop a new pattern and the body runs with it and it becomes a new program that the body follows. Then they can’t get back on program because they created a new program and our bodies are following that program.

Each time we choose to eat program foods, the body trusts us more and more. We want our body to trust us because when it trusts us we are rewarded with weight loss.

Hush your little mean girl and get back on program and back to losing weight.

This holiday message comes for Key friend Aimee: Remember to gift yourself by loving yourself enough to say, NOT this holiday!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
What are you doing during the holidays to steady your course on your weight loss journey? Are you allowing yourself a few "treats" over the holidays or are you setting yourself up for success? Are you willing to shake things up and stay the course? Are you willing to commit right this moment to stay in the river? If you are out get back in now--not tomorrow or after the holidays - now!

Being in the river means you are continuing to lose weight. There may be plateaus on you weight loss journey or times when weight loss slows down. This is part of the journey. If you're not losing weight, make sure you are eating clean. Have you taken an alternative path leading nowhere? There is no an alternative key-plan - you're either on program (in the river) or you're not. Dig deep and ask yourself: am I only eating key-foods? If you the answer is no, or if you aren't sure, clean up your menu right now.

Congratulations to those of you who have stayed the course!

For those who have stepped out of the river: get back in right now! You too can do this! Forgive yourself for whatever you did and move on. Commit to push away cravings EVERY time they come at you, and if you stepped off-program they will come at you strong. They may come strong even if you've stayed the course. Start right now by getting in the river and staying there, so that you too can begin the new year feeling incredible. Feel the power of getting back on program on your own.

Beware: cheese can be just as tempting as all those sugary foods offered to us at holiday gatherings. Just because cheese is not sugar doesn't make it okay for you overeat cheese. Eating too much cheese will plateau us like nobody's business. I don't want to plateau! Do you? No you don't!

Do you need help? Make that call for a refresher and set yourself up for success. Meanwhile, don't give yourself a get out of jail card to go off program just because you're going for a refresher. The sooner you get back in the river, the better your life will feel. Don't give in to those cravings, push them away.

Let's see this holiday season through on key. Are you in? 
Roasted Brussels Sprouts are all the rave this year and I for one have made this my favorite veggie recipe for 2014. I am posting this recipe, because I want to make it more often.

  • 1 ½ lbs Brussels sprouts, rinsed and trimmed with outer leaves removed
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Cut off the stem ends of the Brussels sprouts and remove the outer leaves. If the Brussels sprouts are large, cut them in half. Leave the smaller ones whole.
  3. Place sprouts in a medium bowl. 
  4. Toss with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. 
  5. Arrange the Brussels sprouts on a baking sheet and season with salt and pepper.
  6. Bake for 15−20 minutes or until sprouts are just barely tender and maybe even still a little crunchy. 
  7. Turn the sprouts over once halfway through cooking.
  8. Remove from the oven, place in a serving bowl and enjoy this amazing side dish.
WARNING: these are not your mother's Brussels sprouts! They are incredibly delicious, so be sure to have plenty of meat to eat with these or make a smaller amount so you don't eat more veggies than meat.
 Recipe and photo source
Key-friend Jill made an incredible Zucchini Pizza for our holiday gathering in November 2014. A handful of my key friends, who I met over the years through this blog, started a tradition three years ago to gather each November for good food, good friends, and a good old fashion Yankee Swap. This recipe is so incredible, your non-key friends will never even know they're eating zucchini. The texture of this dish is more like a casserole than a pizza, but oh my--it does taste like pizza!
A slice of heaven--I mean pizza
February 19, 2015 update: I made this recipe for dinner last night and it tasted like a slice of heaven. I put all the zucchini noodles between two towels for about 45 minutes to remove the liquid, but there were still juices at the bottom when I served this. This wasn't a bad thing and it didn't ruin this dish. I'm not sure if the pizza sauce was the cause or if I need to dry out the noodles for a longer period of time.

The prep time on this dish is 2 1/12-3 hours. It took me 3 hours, but that's because I spent an ridiculous amount of time trying to open a bottle of olive oil. It was brand new bottle and for the life of me I couldn't remove all the foil to open the jar.

  • 6 cups shredded unpeeled zucchini
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup freshly grated asiago or Parmesan cheese
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon granulated garlic
  • 3 tablespoons Italian parsley
  • 3 tablespoons chopped basil
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 pound sweet sausage
  • Olive oil
  • 1.5 cups marinara or pizza sauce
  • 3 oz pepperoni finely chopped
  • 6 oz grated mozzarella cheese
  • Any additional pizza toppings
  1. Place the shredded zucchini in a strainer or on paper towels.
  2. Let stand for 20 minutes and squeeze as much moisture out of the zucchini as possible. I put the noodles between two kitchen towels.
  3. Let stand another 15 minutes and squeeze out the moisture a second time.
  4. While you are waiting for the zucchini, preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
  5. Combine the zucchini, eggs, cheese, black pepper, granulated garlic, parsley and basil.
  6. Spread the zucchini mixture into a greased 13x9 baking dish.
  7. Bake zucchini uncovered for 25-30 minutes until the edges are brown and the top is starting to turn lightly golden brown in spots.
  8. While the zucchini bakes, brown the beef, sausage, and pepperoni in a small amount of olive oil.
  9. Spread the sauce over the baked zucchini mixture.
  10. Top sauce with the beef, sausage and pepperoni and any other toppings.
  11. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese and Italian parsley.
  12. Bake for an additional 15-20 minutes until cheese is melted and heated through.
Key-friendly foods at our holiday gathering November 2014
This is me, serving up some of that Zucchini Pizza
Zucchini Pizza tastes like pizza, but you need a knife and fork to eat it
This really does taste like pizza!
During the holidays I like to make some of my favorite key-foods for my friends and family and this bacon and egg muffin recipe (this is a mock muffin - there is no bread in this recipe) is a dish that I can make anywhere and anytime because you can add whatever ingredients you have on hand. Of course it you don't have eggs, you're out of luck!
Bacon- Egg Muffins
Sometimes I make a quiche with a crust and then cut off the crust for my piece before I sit down to eat it. It's so much easier to say on program if I don't add a crust at all. Another option is to make both a quiche with crust and these muffins, which makes everyone happy.

Also see my similar recipe sausage egg muffins.

  • 6 - 9 eggs (6 eggs for a flatter "muffin" or for a taller 9 eggs)
  • 12 slices bacon (uncooked)
  • 1 cup cheese
  • 1 cup meat (optional)
  • 1 cup vegetables (onions, peppers, and corn are my standards)
  1. Preheat oven to 375.
  2. Line each spot with a bacon around the edges.
  3. Whip eggs in a large bowl.
  4. Mix in cheese, veggies, and meats.
  5. Evenly pour the egg mix into each tin.
  6. Bake about 25 minutes or until bacon is cooked.
  7. Pop out and enjoy!

Recipe above is modified from is modified from this Bacon Egg Wrapped Cheddar Egg Bites recipe.
When was the last time you ate a pickle? There are healthy reasons why we should eat pickles, although having pickle juice to prevent muscle cramps is a big enough reason alone. Did you know that when you're craving cheese and crackers a pickle will satisfy you just as much? Or that pickles can cure hangovers?
Photo source
Many of us learned from Julie that pickle juice is a natural remedy for muscle cramps. I don't know about you, but man oh man I've had some wicked bad muscle cramps. Muscle cramps are often caused by mineral deficiencies: night cramps indicate you probably need more magnesium and day cramps suggest more potassium.

I hadn't thought about this, but pickles are a good item for us to bring to holiday parties, along with some protein, because they provide a good crunch and a good chew. When you're tempted by the cheese and crackers at your next holiday party — reach for a pickle instead.

When I was putting together my menu for a party I had last weekend, a jar of pickles was on my shopping list, but somehow I didn't buy them. This weekend I'm sticking to my instincts and bringing pickles to the party I'm going to. I know there will be plenty of protein, because they're serving three pounds of my meatball recipe.
Myths About The Christmas Pickle
This morning my friend shared a link to a story about the myth behind The Christmas Pickle, and while these stories are funny, there is truth behind these myths: the alkalizing effect of the vinegar in pickles helps to restore balance. So it makes sense that when (in one of these stories) the evil innkeeper put the boys in a pickle barrel they were miraculously bought them back to life. 

After reading this article, I realized I'd moved away from eating pickles on a regular basis, mainly because of the '30-day toss foods in a jar from your refrigerator' rule (refrigerated foods begin to break down after 30 days). I disliked tossing pickles, so I stopped buying them. I love pickles and it's time to bring them back. (After posting this one of my key friends informed me to wash the lid of the jar in the dishwasher for three cycles on hot. She said Julie told her group to do with the tops of tomato sauce jars. Thanks Magie!)

As far as the concept that pickles cure hangover (see Keep a Jar of Pickles Handy), I've never tested this theory and I won't need to. Drinking too much vodka, the only alcohol option on program, can lead to making poor food choices. In my opinion, no amount of pickle juice is going to help you get back on program after drinking too much and eating foods not on program. No amount of pickle juice will resolve the guilt you'll feel the morning after. Plus, if you do this on New Year's Eve, what a horrible way to start the first day of the New Year.

Did you know that pickle juice can be re-purposed? After you eat all the pickles, add the remaining pickle juice to mixed veggies, green beans, etc.  I haven't done this, but it's worth exploring. And for those of us who have experienced leg cramps, anything we can do to prevent those cramps is a bonus!
English Christmas Pickle (source)
During the holidays it's more important than ever to stay focused on reaching your goal size. It's time to pull out your "before" photos to remember how far you've come on your weight loss journey. Do you remember when you pushed away food cravings even though it was tough? It felt great right? Push away those holiday temptations and stay steady on your journey. You've got this!
Dec. 2009 vs Oct. 2014
Looking back to a photo of me in one of my favorite blouses in 2009, it's so hard to imagine that I did not realize just how obese I was. I am shocked at my size in the photo on the right from Oct. 201, but I'm shocked by how much weight I've lost. I struggle with keeping this in perspective some times, but I'm working on this. Looking back helps me keep my perspective.
Dec. 2011 vs Nov. 2014
In the photo above I'm wearing a red winter coat that I had bought the winter of 2011, ten months on the key program after losing a lot of weight. I felt terrific in this red coat. When I look at the 2014 photo of me in my new plum colored coat, I see a thinner me than I've ever seen before. Woohoo! Talk about a change in perspective: I never before felt thin wearing a winter coat! This is a step in the right direction.
12/13/13 celebrating my birthday with my brothers
Looking further back in time,  the photo above is from ten years ago. On 12/13/04, I celebrated my birthday feeling really good about myself, as I had lost a lot of weight that year. In the year ahead, I gained back all the weight I had lost and then some. It's easy to forget about all the diets we went on and failed at. Success feels so much better! We can take this weight off one time and be done with dieting!
12/13/14 celebrating my birthday with my brothers
This weekend, on 12/13/14, I once again celebrated my birthday with friends and family (something I like to do once every decade). Who would have thought that ten years later I would be happier and healthier than ever before? Not me! What a difference in my life today compared to ten years ago. I feel a hundred times better than a decade ago! I have energy that I never dreamed possible in 2004.

During the holidays temptations are high. Remind yourself that not eating x, y, or z, is just for now, it's not forever. Focus on the people in your life and not the foods being offered. Stay the course and allow yourself to reach your goal size and stay there!

However you celebrate the holidays this year, my wish is that you give yourself the best gift ever: to stay your course on your weight loss journey. Let now be the time for you to stick to your promises and become the healthiest you've ever been before, so that you too can look back at photos in years to come and feel really proud of your weight loss transformation.

May you find peace and joy this holiday season and may you ring in the New Year feeling proud!
Friends and family help set up his little tree
At my birthday party on Saturday, friends and family helped me set up this little Christmas tree with the mini Hallmark ornaments, a gift from my parents many years ago. This morning as I write this post, I pause to remember the wonderful gathering of friends and family over the weekend and ten years ago, and I  remember friends and family who are no longer with us, including my parents and my oldest brother David. 
Today's incredible weight loss story is from Martine, who no longer needs to take diabetes medication, has reduced the amount of BP meds she needs to take, is at her goal size and learning how to cycle in and out of the river (on maintenance), and is more engaged in life than ever before. Wow - talk about transformation! Martine you inspire us all. Thank you for sharing your story.
Martine before and after weight loss
The Key to My Mental & Physical Freedom
by Martine Dorsey

I started my Journey with The Key Hypnosis on January 20, 2014. After ten and a half months, I am now ready to embark on the maintenance part of this amazing, physical, mental, emotional, and medical transformation!

I have been fighting obesity since I was twelve years old. I was a scrawny twelve year old until I broke my arm the second day of summer vacation. Because I couldn't play much with my friends, I ate my way through the summer and set up my "fat cells" for life. Even as a young teen, I tried every fad diet. I have lost and gain hundreds of pounds. This continued into my early forties. Then I pretty much gave up on dieting, because I would try and fail so often.

I was a CNA for thirty-five years, so I guess you can call me a professional caregiver, which is my nature at home and at the hospital. So, in my mind, there was no time to concentrate on me. That needed to change to save MY life!

I went to my doctor, which I do yearly, in November 2013 and she suggested Julie. I was getting desperate. The doctor was ready to increase my Metformin meds for my diabetes. She told me that she had many patients on The Key Hypnosis who had been successful. The following week I signed up.

From my first session with Julie, I was hooked! I was changed from that moment on. I was mentally ready and, with Julie's guidance and GIFT, I knew that I would see this through. I have to say, Julie made it easier than I ever imagined! I set my mind to the fact I was going to follow her instructions to the letter. 

I do have to tell you, I was going to make this worth every penny it cost me! I worked hard for my money! My health, myself esteem, and wanting to watch my grandson grow up had a lot to do with my "mindset." 

I was one of the extremely fortunate ones that lost quickly. I really don't know how that is possible, because the last fifteen years, that was definitely NOT the case.

One thing I remember Julie saying is that the longer you yoyo diet and eat badly, you actually put your metabolism in reverse. 

My husband would say. "You don't eat a lot and your always busy and moving between work and home....I don't understand why you can't seem to lose"...he was frustrated right along with myself.

When Julie said in my session "You don't have to exercise" I thought I had died and gone to heaven! But after four months and going down at least three sizes, I felt I needed to move. Even if it was just to get my blood flowing. I started out really slow due to issues of working 35 years as a CNA: lower back, rotator cuff, fusion in neck, and flat feet issues. All which I might add are all 85% better! 

Also, NO more diabetic medication and only on 1/4 of BP meds. High blood pressure runs in my family and is non-weight related.

So my exercise consists of 30 minutes elliptical daily(weekends off), planking for as long as I can hold it (which is 2 minute 40 seconds due to rotator cuff issues), and and a daily two-mile walk in good weather (in place of the elliptical). 

I am retired 64 year old. I feel better than I did over 15 yrs ago. I am ready to tackle maintenance the same way I did with the weight loss part. I think my success has a lot to do with "just doing it!" I made sure I always had something "key-friendly" available. And I made this a part of my life without "over analyzing" it. Like Julie said in my sessions..."Do exactly what I tell is not Rocket Science!"

So I go about my life enjoying, so much more, non food related milestone, pleasures and a love for life that I didn't have before "Key." 

I am mindful of what I put in my body and how it will affect me in the long run. 

I will always "Eat when I'm hungry, not when I'm not!
Here's my favorite chicken soup recipe, just in time for these cold winter days. Vary the veggies to suit your taste. or if you have leftover veggies, save them and use them.
Chicken Soup. Photo by Theresa
  • 2 chicken breasts*
  • 1 box (32 oz) chicken broth, use equivalent amount of fresh or canned broth)
  • 4 carrots (sliced)
  • fresh ginger (optional)
  • 1/2 cup frozen corn or peas (or some of both)
  • 1 small onion
  • 4-6 cloves of garlic
  • olive oil
*You may use any part of the chicken. Sometimes I cook a whole chicken or buy one from the store and add pieces of chicken to the soup once the all the vegetables are cooked.


This soup can be made quickly on the stove or slowly in a crockpot. It depends on my level of hunger, time available or what kind of chicken I have on hand as to which method I use.
  1. Cook the chicken and save the broth.
  2. Place a small amount of olive oil in the bottom of a deep pan, add the onion and garlic and cook until onions are translucent.
  3. Add chicken broth to the pan while the onions and garlic are steaming hot.
  4. Add ginger, corn, carrots and lower heat. If you need more chicken broth add it at this time
  5. When the carrots are cooked, add the cooked chicken.

I love a bowl of hot corn chowder, especially in the winter. This recipe is on my short list to make and when I do I'll add a photo.

  • 2 packages organic sweet frozen corn
  • 1 large yellow onion
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 4 cups organic chicken stock
  • olive oil
  • 2 poblano chili peppers (if you can find them)
  • 2 large carrots, sliced thin
  • 2 packs Al Fresco chicken sausage of whatever flavor you like (or any other sausage you prefer)
  • 2 stalks celery, diced
  • salt & pepper (salt optional)
  • cilantro
  1. If you are using the poblano peppers, cut in half, remove seeds and veins(wear gloves for protection), place under broiler until skin blisters, put in paper bag for 10 minutes, then peel and chop.
  2. Cook sausage and cut.
  3. Saute onion, celery, carrots and garlic, covered, on medium-low heat until carrots are a bit soft.
  4. Add chicken stock, bring to a boil and add corn, peppers and simmer for just about 5 minutes until corn is done.
  5. Using food processor or immersible wand, puree about half of the mixture…that will give you thickness without flour or other thickener.
  6. Turn off heat, add as much chopped cilantro as you like (or if you don't like cilantro you could add fresh dill, or any other herb you prefer), and sausage
  7. Salt and pepper to taste

I'm going to give you the base recipe and then you can put in whatever you want, whatever you have hanging around in the fridge. I tend to make a lot because then there are easy leftovers.

  • 1 large yellow onion
  • 1 package organic turkey bacon-diced (or any other kind of meat you like)
  • peppers/mushroom, summer squash, left over broccoli, whatever
  • 8 large eggs, beaten with a couple of Tbs of water I sometimes add some parmesan to the beaten eggs)
  • any kind of cheese you like
  • any herbs you like
  • olive oil
  1. In large non-stick pan saute onions and bacon in olive oil until onions are soft and beginning to caramelize 
  2. Add in other veggies and stir if pan has gone dry, add a bit more olive oil 
  3. Heat pan on high for a minute add beaten eggs and immediately reduce heat to lowest setting
    cook over heat until eggs are set on the bottom and it looks like they are cooked at least half way through turn on broiler to low and place rack about 8 inches from flame 
  4. Wrap pan handle in foil to protect from heat 
  5. Put some more cheese on top  
  6. Place under broiler until brown on top and eggs cooked all the way through…usually about 5 minutes
This silky sauce is perfect drizzled on grilled shrimp, carne asada, steak, sausage, chicken, dolloped over tacos of any kind (I eat tacos without a shell all the time), or used sparingly as a salad dressing. Intensify your dish by sprinkling the top of your dish with piquillo or chopped red peppers.
Cilantro Crack Sauce
  • 2 bunches of cilantro with stems chopped off, washed, and shaken; the extra water will help the sauce
  • 1 large or 2 small garlic cloves (more if you love garlic)
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoon mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoon white vinegar (this is the secret ingredient; if you don't have white vinegar use lime juice, but the white vinegar really is the secret ingredient)
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  1. Place all ingredients in a blender or a food processor and blend on slow speed. 
  2. Stop the blender intermittently to push ingredients down with a wooden spoon if necessary.
  3. Taste the sauce and if it doesn't make you feel ALIVE--add 1 more tablespoon of white vinegar.
For a thicker and creamier sauce, to use as a spread, use half the olive oil and double the mayo.

You may also substitute mayo for Greek yogurt, but it may not be as silky.

Sauce should keep for about 3-4 days in the fridge.

Recipe and photo source: Real Foodies
Here's a recipe that is as healthy as it is tasty. The rutabaga, also known as turnip or yellow turnip, is a root vegetable that is high in antioxidant and anti-cancer compounds. According to Dr Mercola, "Beta-carotene-rich rutabagas are also an excellent source of potassium and manganese (for energy), and a good source of fiber, thiamin, vitamin B6 (helps support the nervous system), calcium (for strong bones), magnesium (helps absorb calcium and combat stress), and phosphorus (helps metabolize proteins and sugars)."
Oven Baked Rutabaga Fries
  • 2 rutabaga (swede turnips)
  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tsp Ariosto potato seasoning (contains: juniper, sage, and marjoram as well as basil, rosemary, and salt)
  • 1 tsp Ariosto chili garlic seasoning (contains: salt, rosemary, garlic, sage, juniper, bay leaves, oregano, parsley, and garlic)
  • grated Parmesan cheese, to sprinkle on top
Ariosto seasonings are available via

  1. Preheat oven to 425 F.
  2. Peel the skin off the rutabaga and julienne it. 
  3. Use a good sharp knife to cut the rutabaga into equal french fry (not too skinny) size pieces.
  4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  5. Layer the rutabaga slices on the paper and sprinkle with olive oil and seasonings. 
  6. Mix well.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes, tossing after 10 minutes or so, so that they bake even.
Serving Options
  • Once baked, lightly sprinkle top of fries with grated Parmesan cheese. 
  • Serve with ketchup.

Recipe and photo source: Novice Housewife
Swim through this holiday season by staying in the river (on program)! Celebrate the joy of welcoming in 2015 feeling good about where you are on your weight loss journey. Don't give in to holiday treats this year--the real treat is reaching and maintaining your goal size.
Photo by Theresa
Stay strong in your resolve to stick to the basics of this program (eating clean). All the information you need to reach your goal size is within you...

Can I have...
When in doubt - leave it out. There are no gray areas - you are either on key or you're off.

Cheese, oh the cheese!
Cheese is a condiment - break up with cheese if it's problematic for you. Cheese is trouble for many of us, because we think "well, at least it's not sugar!" The problem is that too much cheese stops our weight loss. When I broke up with cheese, my weight started to drop again. See a trays of cold cuts at a party? Have some, but pass on the cheese.

Fatty Foods
Be aware of your daily fat intake. Yes, we're allowed chicken wings (without breading), but be mindful of how often you have them. The same applies to bacon.

Bite for Bite Meat and Protein
Stop eating more veggies than meat. If you go back for more food, because you're still hungry or because it tastes so darn good, keep your meat to veggie ratio in balance.

An increase in appetite is best met with lots of meat, organic if you can. It may be a sign that you're eating too many veggies. I've had hunger last for nearly a week before it went away. The hunger will pass if you just stay the course.

Craving Sweets? 
Avoid sweet veggies. Protein and green veggies calm down those sweet cravings. Push back on the cravings ("I want to not want this") and they will subside. Give in and your cravings will only get stronger.

Bored with Food?
It's time to change up your menus. Start by making your meals tastier than ever. Look for recipes ideas on Julie's website or this blog.

Swim through the holidays and when New Years Day rolls in you won't need to join the millions who start a diet only to give up a few days or weeks later. 

You can do this. You are doing this!
This weight loss journey is a lot like a marathon: there are no shortcuts and no skipping steps. You must be prepared. You must be focused. You must stay the course and go the full run. This means planning ahead and doing what's necessary to reach the finish line.

These photos are from 5k and 10k races I've done since starting this program. The July 1998 photo was taken in a garden where I walked less than ten minutes. Back then, that was all the walking I could do. My heart was broken that I couldn't do more, but that was my life in a size 30/32. My weight loss journey has been a long one, but I am happy with where I am today: my goal size is in sight and my resolve to stay the course is stronger than ever.

Last night I ran the Bright Nights 5k at Forest Park with key friends Megan and Lou. Support is great to have when running a 5k and it's equally true on our weight loss journey. I experienced a fun non-scale victory moment with Megan before the race when a photographer looked at us and said "This is a great photo opp!" That never happened to either of us before!

Looking at this photo taken before the race with Megan and Lou, I ask myself: who is this woman? It's me - antlers, blinking lights around my neck, and all! I never would have worn those antlers when I was a size 30/32! It was great to let myself have fun like this!
Before the race with Megan and Lou
Five months ago I started training for last night's 5k. This gave me plenty of time to complete my eight week c25k app, but for no particular reason I stopped training after week four day two (6 weeks ago). I continued walking an average of 13,000 steps daily and I stayed committed to this run. Last night I stayed in the moment and let go of what I could have or should have done. I pushed myself as best as I could and in the end, my race time was my usual 5k race average: 44:57.
Finish time: 44:57 for this 5k (3.1 miles)
Sometimes when I'm walking or running I want to take a shortcut. There's a course I take just outside my neighborhood where the road dead ends and sometimes I REALLY want to turn around before the end of the road, but I don't. I push away those thoughts, just like I push away food cravings. 

One day while training for this 5k, I started an inner dialogue to encourage me to keep running. I realized my words of encouragement to stay the course while running were also applicable to my weight loss journey. As I alternated running and walking along with my c25k app, I used another app to record my thoughts on how training for a 5k is similar to my weight loss journey...
Stop hesitating.
Get focused. Stay focused. 
At some point you have to stop thinking about it and just do it.
Don't let anything get between you and that finish line.
It's not just about the finish line - it's about today and what I do now. Right now is about putting one foot in front of the other and seeing my commitment through.
Go for it. Define what "it" is that you want and stay the course. In this moment "it" is about finishing my training today. With my weight loss, "it" is about staying on program today.
I paused for a moment and asked myself: who is this woman?
At some point while recording my thoughts, I realized multitasking was not a good idea, as it took my focus away from running. I must stay focused, so I can reach the finish line as fast as possible.

This weight loss journey isn't a marathon, as weight loss isn't about getting to our goal size as quickly as possible. It's about changing our way of eating so we can lose weight and keep it off. Perhaps we should act as if it is a marathon:
  • Make a plan and stay the course
  • Keep your eyes on the finish line
  • Reach and maintain your goal size
Whether you're training for a race or just starting this weight loss program, you need plan. The program gives you the plan and it's up to you to embrace this new way of eating and to stay the course. Once this new way of eating becomes an instinctive part of your lifestyle, your focus shifts away from "all things food" to other aspects of your life. Once we "get it" (how to eat on the key program), we can incorporate more into our life and spend less energy focusing on how to stay on program, as that becomes automatic.

The timing of this "shift" varies for each of us, just as how long it takes us to reach our goal size varies. You and I may start at the same size, but you may reach your goal size in a year and it has taken me nearly four years. There are many different factors behind why this is different for each of us, but it takes as long as it takes.

It's about finishing what you started.

You don't have to become a runner if you don't want to, but do what it takes to stay the course and reach your goal size!

Are you ready to finish what you started? Yes, you are!