If you love cabbage, you are going to freak out about how good this dish is. If you are on the fence about cabbage, this might be the recipe that converts you to a cabbage lover.
This is a simple side dish worthy of a dinner party and couldn’t be easier to make. Four ingredients, a couple of minutes to prepare and toss in the oven for an hour.

  • 1 (approx 2lb) head of organic green cabbage, cut into 1 inch thick slices
  • 1.5 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 large garlic cloves, smashed
  • Kosher salt (optional)
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Olive oil
  1. Preheat oven to 400F
  2. Pull outer leaf off cabbage and then cut cabbage from top to bottom (bottom being root) into slices one inch thick.
  3. Rub both sides of cabbage with smashed garlic.
  4. Use a pastry brush (or fingers) to evenly spread olive oil over both sides of the cabbage slices.
  5. Sprinkle each side of cabbage with a bit of kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper.
  6. Roast cabbage on the middle rack for 30 minutes. 
  7. Carefully flip the cabbage "steaks" and roast for an additional 30 minutes until edges are brown and crispy.
  8. Serve hot and enjoy!
Photo and original recipe source: AmberLee
Are you looking for a way for this to be "the year" you gained control over you weight issues? Look around: help is everywhere. Inspirational words, photos, and videos are at your fingertips. Literally. All you have to do is search online. Pinterest, YouTube, and other social media, are full of all kinds of inspiration. Why not use these free tools to help inspire you to reach your goal size? Let's start today!

Be inspired by the awe of nature photography you find online, but also get out and take some photos. Let your inner child out and have fun with your camera. As you take photos, reflect how easily you move about in the world without that extra weight you used to carry. If you are just beginning your weight loss journey, visualize how incredible you too will feel when you lose weight.

If it's too cold to go outside, go online and look for photos of the places you always wanted to travel to and use those photos to inspire you to stay the course on your weight loss journey. Collect images and videos of your dream vacation and visualize yourself walking there and feeling incredible. 

The are are tons of free online tools that allow you to collect and store inspirational images and videos. One of my goals for 2015 is to expand my Pinterest boards. The beauty of Pinterest is that I use it to inspire me and to inspire others as well. Care to join me? If you don't know what Pinterest is, perhaps it's time to find out.

When you hear an inspirational quote, share it with others. Post it to your Pinterest account. If Pinterest doesn't excite you, post inspirational images and quotes on your refrigerator. Surround yourself with inspiration in whatever way works for you.

You can even find inspiration from TV news, as I did this past weekend. The quote below is from a girl on a team that lost 84 straight games - that's four years of playing before they had a victory! See the 3-minute video With 4-year losing streak on the line, hoops team goes for broke.
"If you keep putting in the time and effort, it will pay off."
This inspirational quote is so applicable to weight loss: stay the course and it will pay off for you too!

After watching that video, how can I ever complain about being on a plateau? I know if I keep putting in the time and effort, I will reach my goal! And so will you.

This morning I was looking for inspiration to help me get and stay motivated to exercise. Now that winter has really kicked in, the number of steps I've been walking have dramatically decreased. I have a treadmill, but I haven't stepped on it yet and it's too messy to walk outside. So, what's a girl to do? Go online and find help!

I did a Google search and I found a ton of motivational exercise videos and articles, as well as apps, many which are free. I downloaded the app "Exercise Gym and Weight Loss Motivation Hypnosis" By Erick Brown (free from iTunes).

Today I'm starting a 30-day squat challenge and before I do my first squat or get on my treadmill, I'm going to listen to Erick's app. I have not been able to reach my previous attempts at a 30-day squat challenge, so this time I found a squat challenge that looks more reasonable for where I am in my journey:

Once I found a chart that looked reasonable, I searched for a good video on how to properly do a squat...

Exercise is key to helping us not only take weight off, but to keep it off. How motivated are you to reach your goal size? Do you need help finding inspiration? Look online.

Do you need motivation to start exercising or to keep going? Ask a friend to exercises with you. Is the weather too horrible to get outside? No problem - go online and use Skype to exercise together from your own homes (you can even stay in your jammies).

Use the free online tools that are out there to help you get motivated and stay motivated, to reach your goals this year! You can do this! You are doing this!

January 5, 2015 update:

I highly recommend the Exercise Gym and Weight Loss Motivation Hypnosis app! I listened to it last night and again this morning. It is inspiring and motivating. And best of all - it's free!

I actually listened while I was on the treadmill last night, so it wasn't the meditation that inspired me to get on the treadmill, but it did keep me going. Well, that is until I realized it was midnight and I needed to get to bed.

My little mean girl didn't say a word when I got off the treadmill at 12:03 am with less than my 10,000 steps for the day. Sure, it took me all day to listen to my own advice and turn on this meditation, but it was great and I'm proud that I stepped up and started exercising once again!

I am so inspired that I listened this morning before getting out of bed. As soon as I finish this update, I'm going to do my squats and then get on the treadmill again.

We do our very best today and then we do it again tomorrow. Are you ready to start moving today? Small goals is where you begin. Set a goal for today and just do it!

As the new year begins, I think about resolutions I've made in past years. It's wonderful no longer promising myself "this year I will lose weight" only to disappoint myself year after year. I started the Key Hypnosis weight loss program on January 31, 2011 and I have no disappointment in looking back.

These four years have been an incredible learning experience for me. I've learned a lot about myself and not only have I changed the foods I eat (and don't eat), I've also evolved in other ways...

My energy level has increased ten-fold! I used to barely be able to walk five minutes and today I can easily walk for five hours.

I'm more comfortable in my skin and moving through life than ever before. When I walk into a room, I no longer look around to 1) see if I'm the largest person there or 2) to search for a chair that's big enough for me to fit into.

I had many plateaus along this journey, but this summer I started dropping weight again and I'm getting close to my goal size.

I often stop and look back at where I've been, to inspire me to stay on course to reach my goal. I know that once I reach my goal I will no longer need to focus on where I've been, because when I reach my goal size that is the size I want to keep in my vision. I'll be able to let go of the memories of my heavier self.

Meanwhile, I remember to do what Julie taught in the first session: visualize what I want to look like. I'm not sure exactly what size that is, so I'm looking around at women who are my height and structure.  To help visualize my goal size, I'm going to start asking women what size they are.

I'm ready for 2015 to be the year I reach my goal size and learn maintenance. Are you? Let's go for it together!

You know how to do the program, so do your best and visualize this happening to you too!
What you want to look like at your goal size? Look around at others, find a person who is your ideal size, and start visualizing yourself that size.

This yummy recipe comes from our key contributor Jennifer. In this recipe you roast slices of acorn squash, turn them over, and then add an egg to the center of each squash. Plan on about an hour from your first cut of the squash to your first bite - which by the way is incredible!
  • 1 carnival or acorn squash
  • Olive oil
  • 3-4 large eggs (1 per slice of squash)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh herbs or freshly grated cheese (optional - to add before serving)
  1. Prepare the squash: slice crosswise into 3/4 inch-thick rings, then scrape out the seeds and pulp. I used organic acorn squash.
  2. Preheat the oven to 425 and line a baking sheet with tinfoil. 
  3. Spray the baking sheet lightly with cooking spray or coat with a little olive oil. 
  4. Place the prepared squash rings on the baking sheet, and brush the tops and insides with some olive oil.
  5. Bake the rings for 20 minutes, then flip them over and return the baking sheet to the oven.
  6. Prepare the eggs by cracking each one into its own bowl or cup. 
  7. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and slide one egg into the middle of each squash ring.
  8. Sprinkle eggs with salt and pepper and then carefully return the pan to the oven. 
  9. A tiny bit of egg white may ooze out from the edge of the squash rings, but the pan should be hot enough to set the eggs fairly quickly and keep you from losing too much.
  10. Bake for 8-12 minutes or until the whites are almost set and the yolks are almost done to your liking, as the eggs will continue to cook after you remove them from the oven
  11. Use a spatula to carefully transfer the squash and egg rings onto plates.
  12. Serve hot.
  13. Top with salt, pepper, herbs, and cheese as desired.
Next time, I make this dish I will slice the squash thicker than I did today. This is one of my new favorite dishes!
Some of you have indicated you fell off-program over the holidays and I'm sorry to hear this. This seems to have brought out your little mean girl/boy (inner critic) and she's been acting out ever since. She keeps reminding you of your past (i.e., off-program foods that you ate) and how you've slacked off on your exercise routine. She's urging you to have just one bite and telling you that you can start again tomorrow. It's time to tell your little mean girl to hush and stop breaking the rules. It's time to jump back in the river right now!
Little Mean Girl is the voice of our inner critic.
Her negative words fill us with self-doubt.
She thrives best when throwing a temper tantrum.
Hush little mean girl, hush.
Don't wait for "tomorrow" to start again. This program is about change and change happens NOW, not tomorrow, not on January first, and not after x, y, or z - NOW. If you've gone through the sessions with Julie, you have all the tools within you to get back on program. You got this! Don't wait another moment. You can do this.

Focus your energy on following the program rules once again. When we break the rules we break the pattern and this confuses our bodies. Eating something “just this once” that isn’t on program or even if it is but we are choosing to have something in a way that breaks the rules (salad before the meal, veggies alone, yogurt alone, too much yogurt, eating the same thing over and over, etc.) creates a new pattern.

Patterns are essential. Our body likes patterns and wants to follow them. For example, when someone eats sugar, and they “get away with it” then they start to develop a new pattern and the body runs with it and it becomes a new program that the body follows. Then they can’t get back on program because they created a new program and our bodies are following that program.

Each time we choose to eat program foods, the body trusts us more and more. We want our body to trust us because when it trusts us we are rewarded with weight loss.

Hush your little mean girl and get back on program and back to losing weight.

This holiday message comes for Key friend Aimee: Remember to gift yourself by loving yourself enough to say, NOT this holiday!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
What are you doing during the holidays to steady your course on your weight loss journey? Are you allowing yourself a few "treats" over the holidays or are you setting yourself up for success? Are you willing to shake things up and stay the course? Are you willing to commit right this moment to stay in the river? If you are out get back in now--not tomorrow or after the holidays - now!

Being in the river means you are continuing to lose weight. There may be plateaus on you weight loss journey or times when weight loss slows down. This is part of the journey. If you're not losing weight, make sure you are eating clean. Have you taken an alternative path leading nowhere? There is no an alternative key-plan - you're either on program (in the river) or you're not. Dig deep and ask yourself: am I only eating key-foods? If you the answer is no, or if you aren't sure, clean up your menu right now.

Congratulations to those of you who have stayed the course!

For those who have stepped out of the river: get back in right now! You too can do this! Forgive yourself for whatever you did and move on. Commit to push away cravings EVERY time they come at you, and if you stepped off-program they will come at you strong. They may come strong even if you've stayed the course. Start right now by getting in the river and staying there, so that you too can begin the new year feeling incredible. Feel the power of getting back on program on your own.

Beware: cheese can be just as tempting as all those sugary foods offered to us at holiday gatherings. Just because cheese is not sugar doesn't make it okay for you overeat cheese. Eating too much cheese will plateau us like nobody's business. I don't want to plateau! Do you? No you don't!

Do you need help? Make that call for a refresher and set yourself up for success. Meanwhile, don't give yourself a get out of jail card to go off program just because you're going for a refresher. The sooner you get back in the river, the better your life will feel. Don't give in to those cravings, push them away.

Let's see this holiday season through on key. Are you in? 
Roasted Brussels Sprouts are all the rave this year and I for one have made this my favorite veggie recipe for 2014. I am posting this recipe, because I want to make it more often.

  • 1 ½ lbs Brussels sprouts, rinsed and trimmed with outer leaves removed
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Cut off the stem ends of the Brussels sprouts and remove the outer leaves. If the Brussels sprouts are large, cut them in half. Leave the smaller ones whole.
  3. Place sprouts in a medium bowl. 
  4. Toss with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. 
  5. Arrange the Brussels sprouts on a baking sheet and season with salt and pepper.
  6. Bake for 15−20 minutes or until sprouts are just barely tender and maybe even still a little crunchy. 
  7. Turn the sprouts over once halfway through cooking.
  8. Remove from the oven, place in a serving bowl and enjoy this amazing side dish.
WARNING: these are not your mother's Brussels sprouts! They are incredibly delicious, so be sure to have plenty of meat to eat with these or make a smaller amount so you don't eat more veggies than meat.
 Recipe and photo source