I have a few short non-scale victory stories for you today. Small moments in time, glimpses into unexpected but significant changes in my life because of my weight loss. Moments that easily go unnoticed, but today I pause to celebrate them. A comment made by a waitress that would have a whole different meaning if I was still size 30/32. A moment when you, yes you reading this blog, saved me. A moment with me and my little black skirt.
Theresa and Alanna at Johnny's in South Hadley |
The Waitress
This is one of those moments that people who have been obese can appreciate, but the humor and the awesomeness may be lost on those who have not struggled with obesity.
Last week I was at Johnny's Bar & Grille with my key-friend Alanna, enjoying great conversations over salt and pepper wings with roasted Brussels sprouts. After we were finished eating, the waitress cleared our table and before stepping away she said something that momentarily rendered us into silence.
"I can't believe you ate the whole thing!"
I was speechless, as I tried to grasp the meaning of what she said:
I can't believe you ate the whole thing.
"Wow!" I said to Alanna, "That is not something someone would have said to me three years ago when I was wearing size 30/32 -- it would have had a whole different meaning!"
Alanna said she had too been quiet for the same reason: the waitress saw us as "normal!"
We claimed this as a great non-scale victory!
Before I move on to my next story, I must share these incredible before and after photos of Alanna. One year and what an incredible transformation!
Alanna September 2013 vs September 2014 |
Saved by the Blog
I can't tell you how many times this blog has saved me.
Really, I'm not kidding! Once in a while when I'm in a grocery store and someone pass me, pauses, backs up their grocery cart, our eyes lock, and they say "Are you Theresa from the blog?"
You know who you are--and thank you for saying hello and chatting for a few minutes! You saved me a few weeks ago!
It is because of those brief encounters that I could tap away (push away) intense cravings. I was on the way back from Rhode Island and all the way home all I could think about was chocolate -- and where I could get some. I was obsessed for two solid hours.
What saved me is that no matter how I played it out in my mind, and believe me I visualized EVERY store between my brother's house (where I left my car) and my house, no matter where I envisioned myself stopping, I imagined one of you would be in that store, our eyes would lock as you recognized me and then you would see me -- holding chocolate -- what would I say?
Oh no, I could not let that happen!
I tapped it away -- I pushed past the moment and I drove home nonstop.
So, thank you for saving me!
Me and My Little Black Skirt
I bought a little black skirt at Lane Bryant at the end of summer. I know, I swore off going back there, but I
knew I could get great bargains in my size because when I was a size
30/32 all the best sale items were size 14.
I always hated
those women who
came into Lane Bryant's in their size 14’s and scored on bargains. This visit
I was one of those women! This was an egotistical non-scale victory, but I must admit: I was proud to be one of
those women!
A few days later I brought the skirt back. When the sales clerk asked why I was returning it, I told her "because I don't have any tops to wear with it."
"It's a black skirt - everything goes with it!" she said.
The sales clerk's comment haunted me. I kept thinking how sassy I'd felt when I tried the skirt on in the store.
A few weeks later I
had to have that little black skirt.
Back in Lane Bryant's again, I looked through the (much smaller) section of summer close-out sales, but it wasn't there. Then I remembered: when I was a size 26/28, there were always 14's mixed in with 26/28's. Sure enough -- there was my beautiful little black skirt -- now on sale for even less than I paid before!
Three years ago I would not have worn this little black skirt. In fact, back then, I didn't wear dresses at all. Today, wearing
short dresses and skirts is one of my favorite non-scale victories.
I wore my little black skirt for the first time when I went to dinner with key friends. The knee length black skirt paired perfectly with a blouse that had been in my closet all along.
Susan, Karen, Theresa at Plan B looking at the very key-friendly menu |
The blouse, which I'm wearing in the photo above, is one of many beautiful hand-me downs that I’ve been blessed to receive from
key friends -- you know who you are!
I don’t always remember who gave me
what outfit, but it was fun when Jill saw me and smiled. I knew immediately that the blouse had been hers.
"I always loved that blouse!" Jill said, "It had always been one of my favorites!"
I've dropped more weight these past few months (yeah!) and it's been great to pass clothing on to other key friends.
What about you? What non-scale victories have you experienced?