Oven-Roasted Asparagus

One of the key concepts is to eat local veggies and to eat them when they are in season. Here in the

Tenacity and Believing

If you are on a plateau, I encourage you to go and try on clothes in stores. Not crazy all over


Meet Jennifer M, who started at a size 14 and is now a size 2-4. Jennifer is asking for help with a

Meet Erin

Today's Key Hypnosis success story comes from Erin. Thank you Erin for sharing your story and your

Because It's........

Recently a friend touched on a topic that a lot of us have had personal experience with: "My beautiful

Isn't it hard to put ourselves first????

A present left for Jill while at work How many of us put ourselves first? I mean REALLY put our

How Much is Too Much?

How much fat is too much? Do high fat recipes slow down weight loss? Nikki asked these questions and

WFSB-CT Features Key Hypnosis

A group of us volunteered to be interviewed by WFSB-CT last week about our successful weight loss following