A while back Theresa posted a question about what those 3 words mean to us. After looking at Lynn’s tattoo I decided to bring it up again.
picture by Lynn!
Those 3 words, Example, sacrifice and compromise are such a big part of the program and we can never hear about them enough.
They are very hard to explain, I know in my heart what they mean, but to put the words on paper, well, that is a bit harder.
One of my friends asked the question again, and here are some of the answers she got:
I think sacrifice and compromise are easier for me. Sacrifice means I have to be willing to give up things in order to reach my goal. It could mean choosing to go exercise instead of eating out with a friend. It could mean going on vacation in the Dominican Republic and not having fresh drinks out of a coconut.
Compromise is a little harder for me. Like, I'll compromise and have the chicken but not the cheese. It's allowing myself to negotiate and work through my decisions in order to be healthy and go in the right direction.
I definitely had the hardest time with example. I *think* that it means that I do things to create the example and set new patterns for my body. The animal doesn't know, it just does. So, if I consciously set the example then the animal says, ok, and that's what we do.
Sacrifice means I will give up anything and do anything to reach my goal. YET it sure doesn't feel like a sacrifice to me!!
Example for me means hopefully others can see what I am doing, yet I am setting more of an example to myself. Every time I tap away a temptation, I am reinforcing in my mind that I really do not want it and am setting the blueprint for future behavior.
Some one looked up the definition of Compromise in the dictionary and this is what she came up with:
Compromise as a verb(synonym):
means come to terms
and I sure have come to terms that this way of eating is for the rest of my life.
as a Noun:
An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
I will order a hamburger, but hold the cheese and naturally the bun. Or please hold the mashed potato and gravy and I will have cottage cheese or extra corn. That type of thing.
as a Verb
Settle a dispute by mutual concession.
I want that cheese, I want it bad. Ok, well maybe I will get a cheeseburger, eat half the cheese and no cheese anywhere else for the rest of the week.
agreement - accommodation - settlement - conciliation.
Like the exercise challenges I have been trying to do. I hate exercise, always did always will, but I KNOW I have to do something, so walking and the exercise challenges at this time are my agreement to myself.
I don’t know if any of this will help you, but it helps me to put it all into perspective a bit more!
Do you have your own definitions or examples? PLEASE post them if you do!!! We are all in this together and we are all working towards that magic number and a healthier future!!!