Earlier this month, Linda wrote about
Exercising Around the House and asked us to share ways to exercise in fun ways around the house. For example, she has an aunt who does knee bends while washing dishes. Linda wrote about how she exercises in their in ground pool, which sounded like a lot of fun. I don't have much to say about exercising around the house in fun ways, but I've had a lot of fun in the water during my summer vacation.
Boat harbor where we took off in Long Beach.
We sailed the small boat located in the front right of the pier.
Photo by Theresa |
Usually when I vacation in Southern California, my exercise consists of only walking. Each year the walking seemed to be less and less distance covered because my weight kept going up and up. Not this summer. This summer I not only walked a great deal, I gave my upper arms a good workout too.
I swam laps at the Belmont Olympic indoor pool until my arms ached. This experience was quite different from the last time I'd been in swimsuit, which was in 2006. That year, and at my heaviest weight, I wore a swimsuit (size 30/32) and I swam in the beach on the windward side of Oahu. Unlike my friends who sunbathed most of the time we were there, I was in the ocean the entire time at the beach. I love swimming. I loathe sunbathing. At least I didn't let my weight or vanity stop me from getting into the ocean. Prior to 2006, I hadn't been swimming since 2002, when I took an aquatics class. Prior to that 1989 was the last time I swam. Obesity has kept me from one of the great pleasures of life: swimming. Not anymore!
I sailed while on vacation too. It's been years since I've been at the helm and I had forgotten how much fun it is. I also forgot what a workout tacking can be. My friends wanted to give me a refresher on tacking (sailing close-hauled on
alternate courses so that the wind is first on
one side of the boat, then on the other), so they had me steer all the way and out of a channel, where I had to tack again and again. It was a blast! My arms ached for days after.
I also enjoyed kayaking this summer. Now here's a fun way to get in an upper arm workout! When I was in Alaska last
summer, I declined on an opportunity to kayak, because I
knew I didn't have the upper strength to get in and out of the kayak.
Alaska is no place to be in stuck in the water. It was depressing seeing everyone
else paddle around while I stayed on the main boat. That's why this
summer I took the opportunity to learn how to kayak. one of the friends I
traveled with in Alaska was my Long Beach kayak teacher. I enjoyed this so much, I can barely holding back from running out to buy a kayak. Instead, I'm looking for places I can rent a
kayak near my home and friends to join me.
I told my Long Beach friend if I hadn't been swimming for several days, followed by sailing, and kayaking, I would ask her to take me to the emergency room. That's how bad my arm ached! That just solidified the need for me to continue to find ways to have fun and build upper arm strength at the same time.
As much as I have enjoyed outdoor activities, I'm grateful to have a state-of-the-art-gym at work. Until last October, I didn't use the gym, but I find when it's too hot or too icy outside, the gym works best for me. Plus, I have co-workers who workout with me or at least walk with me to the gym and then we go our separate ways. This kind of support helps!
Yesterday I planned to bike during lunch, but it was too
hot to walk to the gym and I didn't get there at the end of the day as I had planned. I too am doing an at-work-fitness challenge, which has helped me get in
lots of exercise this summer. I have to make up for the lost time on
the bike that I missed yesterday in the next few days, as the challenge ends this Sunday. My plan is to bike 8 miles four times this week. Before my vacation, I did a little over 6 miles and was exhausted when I was finished. Earlier this week, I did 7 miles and I could have done more if I didn't have to get back to work. It's great to see that I've built up strength in my legs. Woohoo!
Based on how quiet this blog is, it seems I'm not the only one who is enjoying a summer vacation. When you get back, tell us what kinds of fun activities you did this summer. What fun things have you done this year that you couldn't do last year?