Don't laugh at my non scale victory. For me, this is big! LOL! But don't laugh!!

I was sitting in church today and, (don't tell anyone) my mind was wandering (shhhhh) and I was noticing the ladies sitting around me. Young and old and they had their legs crossed.

I started an argument with myself in my mind (alright, I am sure I am not the only one who argues with themselves in their mind!!)

Can I? Should I try? What if I can't? Will I get discouraged? Will I look dumb if someone sees me try and I can't do it? What if I get stuck? (don't laugh)

I finally gave in and tried...

Guess what!!!

I CROSSED MY LEGS TODAY IN CHURCH!! and even better, I COULD UNCROSS THEM WITHOUT BEING A GYMNAST!!! so I will admit, for a few minutes in church I was crossing and uncrossing my legs and switching sides too! LOL. (ended up having to get a tape of the service to listen to at home, as my mind was occupied with other things) LOL.
Well, I am human. Surprise! And now I have to let my guilt go. I went to my doctor for a routine follow-up today, and had to get weighed. The girls in the office know that I am not supposed to know my weight, so there is no surprise when I turn my head. And they don't tell.
I am sitting with my APRN discussing this and chart is open, and I think to myself-----9 months of not knowing what I weigh.....I am gonna look.....and......I look. Anyone else wanna cry with me?

On my drive home, I talk to myself about how it will be ok, continue on, persevere, you will be ok. Ho hum. Only time will tell. I just hope that my stupidity does not unravel the 9 wonderful months I have spent with Julie, and I must trust her and me. Well, I trust her, or else I wouldn't have gotten hypnotized! I have to trust that I am human, and one slip will not deter me.


To work this afternoon, and to Zumba tonite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I spent some time today reading a lot of comments and I replied to a handful along the way. I'm pleased to see others are answering questions. I don't have all the answers, but as a group we can help one another. I started this blog in the hopes that it would be a virtual gathering place friends of the key hypnosis program and it's exciting to see this happening.
I love hearing the success stories. Please keep them coming! Congratulations VP on your successful journey. Your story is inspiring and I appreciate  that you shared it with us. I hear what you say about perfection. I am not perfect on this program either, but perfection is relative - isn't it? If we are not perfect in following this program, but we are still losing weight - wouldn't it make more sense to focus on keeping our balance than striving for perfection? I'm suggesting that whenever possible, to focus on the positive side of life. Being perfect has a whole different connotation for me; it feels like I'm failing. I am not failing. I learn what works, what doesn't work, and then I move on. That's how imperfection works. Being imperfect allows us to learn.

To paraphrase Julie:
We didn't gain the weight by going straight up on the scale and we won't lose it by going straight down.

There will be plateaus.

There may be slight weight gains.

This is all part of the process.

If we accept this as part of the process and don't stress or focus on this, We will reach our goal size.
Recently Anonymous asked:
I wonder if you need to go back every time you feel you have gone off program or do you think you can just get back on???
I went to see Julie a number of times last year, to reinforce what I learned and to reinforce my commitment to stay on the program. I didn't go back because I was off program, but because I was getting ready to go on vacation or I wanted to reinforce the program. Just two weeks after my last session, I debated about going in again, but I was determined to work through my issues. As you know, from my recent posts, I did just that and got back on track.

In the long run, we have to be able to get "back on program" on our own. Julie has said it is not her intent for us to be dependent on her for the rest of our lives. Another motivation to work things through ourselves ties into a recent thread of comments: the increase in price of the program. That said, I always sign up for a refresh after I've been to a group session. I can change it to a later date when they call me, but I like having the option to go back. I thought I would go back once more when I get to my goal size, to learn more about maintaining my weight, but I went back about every three months last year.

Another thread I appreciated reading was about organic meat. I'm working on eating organic meat and chicken more often. I enjoy it so much more than the processed meats. Thanks for the recent comment about this, I appreciate the reminder to make this choice! I know it's expensive, but it's pay now or pay later! This brings me back to the topic of perfection, choosing organic is a lifestyle and it will take me time to make that choice too.

Post comments below to share answers to questions you asked the Key Hypnosis office. I'll get started by adding questions and comments that were posted earlier.
Now that I've written this (all of what you see below), I am not sure this will be a good solution, but let's see if this works for us or not. If more of you are willing to become contributors, you can create a headline for your post that sums up your question and then it's easier for others to comment on your questions, and easier for us to find later by your title. There is also a search feature on this blog that can be helpful.

Note to readers: these comments, and all posts to this blog, reflect our understanding of the program and are not official statements from the Key Hypnosis Program.


Sore Throat

Linda: What in the world can I take for a sore throat?
VF:  I remember Julie mentioning Fisherman's Friend lozenges (the original flavor)

Kristen: My last session with Julie I had an awful cold and the assistants told me that Fisherman's Friend is the only cough drop Julie recommends.

Taco Seasoning Mix, Flour, and Gravy

Jen: I am very intrigued by this (Taco Dip) recipe, but I am a little confused about the taco seasoning mix-Doesn't it have flour in it as a thickener? I have stayed away from it b/c of my "flour concern"-Does anyone remember Julie saying it was ok? (I don't)

Linda: I called Julie's office and asked about the taco seasoning mix. She said we can have it. I also asked about canned or jarred gravy and that we can not have. I am so glad I called. I don't make the taco dip to often but after you asked about the flour I got worried. So yes, we can have taco seasoning mix. For me, this isn't something I eat to often, just when I really need something different.

Reading Labels

April: Is it cheating to ask my husband to read the labels and check for me? I don't want to buy something with any chemicals in it, but how do you know. I've been eating "plain" for quite sometime because I avoid anything with a label. Would sure appreciate if anyone has a solution to how they deal with this issue.

These posts weren't necessarily in direct response to the above question, but they are related to labels...

Theresa: When we avoid reading labels, our conscious mind isn't taking note of the sugar in things like ketchup, which we are allowed. If a product is called "honey-glazed xyz" then we should stay away from it.

Linda: I figure she only really has a few, that is what makes this so easy to follow: Don't eat anything diet, don't weigh yourself, eat when you are hungry, don't read labels, and don't eat anything sweet!
Julie: I have figured out (sort of) that Julie doesn't want us reading labels because she wants us eating meat and veggies! If you "perimeter shop", you bypass most everything that would have a label-She allows condiments b/c it would be too boring otherwise. I spend very little time having anything that has a label on it-And I thoroughly enjoy the foods she has said we can have-for instance, meatballs and meatloaf, and beef jerky. They may be high in sodium, so you should use very sparingly. And use organic meat, they don't add sodium to "plump them up". Perimeter shopping = very little sodium, because these things are "less processed". BTW, I too had high blood pressure when I started, was on Diovan for a long time, and 5 months after I started this program, I was off of it. Just sayin!!!!!! 

Anonymous: Is anyone else out there constipated on this program? I hope this is not TMI...

Karen: She told some people in our class that for 3 days before they go to bed to drink either 1/2 Cup or 3/4 Cup prune juice. That was to fix the constipation. You could call the office to ask the exact measurement but i remember her specifically telling us this.

Jennifer: Constipation has come up every refresher I have had. Julie has never seemed too concerned about it. She has always said to talk to your doctor about it. Also, in my last refresher class (was there 2/21), she recommended before bed to eat 3 prunes, you should feel better the next day. If not, then eat 6 prunes the next night. That should take care of it! I do use a stool softener, and I drink a TON of water. Watch out for too much cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!! That'll do it every time-Stay away from the cheese, and you will do better too I bet-

I have enjoyed this week’s discussion on this blog and I’ve been thinking about these threads all week. I remember Julie’s visual images of the military and one word seems the loudest in my memory: incoming! I don’t recall the context at all. I am excited to share my thoughts, which are inspired from your threaded conversations and I hope this is helpful. Writing in this way helps me understand the program better as well.
Photo credit: Daily LOL Pics
Keep in mind this is my opinion and not that of the Key Hypnosis Program; this is probably not how Julie would explain these things.

I remember leaving my first Key Hypnosis Program session overwhelmed with the amount of information that I learned. Julie told us we would not remember everything she said and she told us that remembering all those details was not important. I felt overwhelmed after session two and three as well, but I also was excited with the new direction my life was going: down in size; weight was dropping effortlessly.

Somewhere during the first three group sessions, Julie taught us how our body processes food. I don’t recall which session she teaches this or if she did it in all three sessions, but this detail is not important. To explain how our body process food, Julie uses military characters as an analogy. During refresh sessions, Julie sometimes mentions the army, the navy, or the air force, and when she does it is usually prefaced with “remember when I told you…” Sometimes I do remember and sometimes I do not. It is not important that we actually remember, because she is not speaking to our conscious minds. Remember, this program is called the key hypnosis for a reason.

When Julie talks about these characters, she is speaking to us through imagery and at the same time tapping into the ancient language she told us about. (If you don’t remember the ancient language discussion, don’t worry about that either.) Julie is talking to the part of our mind that recalls that language; the part that understands visually and without words. The part of us that is unconscious, but is receptive to her suggestions in ways our conscious mind is not open to.

We all agreed to let Julie communicate with us in this way to help us lose weight. If you don’t remember that agreement, listen up because this is important: this is the hypnosis (or mentalist) side of Julie working with us.

April posted that in her recent session, Julie mentioned that the Navy was in charge of "water" leaving the body and the Marines are responsible for the liver. Linda replied, “All I remember is "INCOMING!" and I sure don't want my army released!” I don't recall any of these things, but I have small visuals that come into my mind from time to time. I think we recall what is important to each of us, so I don't worry about what I don't remember.

Thanks Karen for noting our increase in followers, we just reached 30! Any of you who would like to become a contributor, click on my name and send me an email and I’ll add you. This will allow you to add photos and create posts rather than only being able to comment. I welcome more contributors who are willing to share, especially those of you who are just starting. It would be nice to hear from you as you begin the program. How about it Karen? No pressure; just a thought!

As far as creating a page that links to posts with information people got from calling into the office, I had this thought too. Then I thought about it some more and that sounds like a job and I already have a job. Sorry, but this would be a lot of work. What we need is for Julie to publish a book about the program and her recipes, but she too already has a job.

There are new posts coming in as I type, so my responses to Bruce, Theresa O, Karen, Anonymous, and twinglesmomma, will have to wait a while longer.

But I cannot sign off before saying something about a free day of cheating or something along these words that I read and have stuck with me all week. I don’t know if I’m replying too late or not, but in any case… we are not on a diet. We don’t cheat - we lose our balance. I do not encourage you to plan a free day of cheating (pardon me if I’m not quoting you exactly), but to plan a day of swinging the balance and then plan another day of swinging the balance back. If we swing to one side too much, we lose our balance, but we can get our balance once again. The grey zone I was in was an imbalance. I’m back in balance now. Learning to lose and then maintain our weight is about balance. It isn’t like we can’t ever have xx food again, but we learn to have xx in such a way as to maintain our balance and this keep our weight maintained. Go for it, but do so in a positive way and keep the balance.

Thanks everyone for your positive feedback on my progress. Your support and encouragement are priceless. I’m into my second week out of the grey zone and I feel fantastic!

Thanks everyone for your support last week. I stayed out of the grey areas I wrote about. I ate lots of meat. I balanced veggies to meat. One meal a day was meat only. I kicked my pace up a few notches on the treadmill. I feel great!
02/27/12 Wilmot, NH
My body is changing again. I can feel it in my clothes and I can see it in the mirror. I bought lingerie a size smaller than the ones I bought in November. I know this didn't happen in just one week; I had to have been on the cusp of dropping another size for a while.

I was away most of the weekend and I wasn't able to write as I had hoped. I see there are a few more questions, I'll do my best to respond to later this week. It's exciting to see more newcomers to this blog. Welcome everyone!

I pulled photos together to show my first year of weight loss and made a video. I've been hesitant to post it, but it shows the progress I made in Year One on this program, so I decided to add it tonight, with the promise that when I make Year Two, it will be better. I had creative ideas I wanted to do to this video, but I don't have the time, so here goes....

06/27/13 update: Sorry - I didn't use royalty free music in the video so it was removed by YouTube.
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I was wondering if there was any need on this blog to have a link for things we have called Julie's office about, for example, I called to see what we could take for colds and sore throats, or I called to make sure we could have the taco seasoning mix. Is there a way to make a link and let people who have called her office with questions to make posts on that link? I always feel bad calling there, though they are wonderful and encourage me to call, but seems like maybe someone here would have the answer sometimes instead of bothering them.

Just a thought!