
Lost and Found

Since I began this weight loss journey four years ago, I've lost a lot of things: about hundred pounds and a lot of aches and pains and swollen body parts. Inspired by my physical changes, I lost my glasses, I had Lasik eye surgery, and I lost about 12 inches of my hair. But I've found far more than I've lost on this journey: I've found a life abundant with energy and motivation.

Changes along the way: Dec. 2011  |  June 2013  |  April 2015
Things I've lost
  • Nine sizes and about 100 pounds
  • Back and hip pain 
  • Swollen legs, ankles, and hands
  • Shortness of breath
  • Prescription glasses
  • About 12 inches of hair
  • My chance of becoming diabetic
Things I Found
  • Motivation
  • Energy
  • Health
  • Endurance 
  • Attitude
  • My ability to be physically active
  • Awareness that change is an option every day
  • Creativity
Every one of these losses and gains were well worth the effort. This journey isn't just about losing weight, it's about making changes to live life to the fullest, something my obese body didn't allow me to do. As I evolve my weight loss program, by listening to my body and what it needs, I'm excited knowing my goal size is ahead and with this I will find even more in my life.

What about you? What have you lost and found on your weight loss journey? What more do you hope to find?

Stay on your weight loss journey and see what more life has in store for you. If you've taken a side trip—get back on the main road—right now. No matter how long it takes, stay the course and change your life.

If not now-then when? And why not now? Skip the psychological battle with yourself—just do it! Your life is waiting for you.

April 2015 vs September 2010


A Bit of Humorous Non-Scale Victories

I haven't posted lately on here. Life has been so busy!

I have a few weeks off from my job at the bakery as we rest up and gear up to a busy summer season with farmers markets (yup, still working at a bakery and staying on program). So I decided to clean out my closet. YUK!  Hate that job!

Anyway, while digging through my closet, way back, in the dark recesses of the closet, I found some clothes.  I had put these clothes away when I first started on Julie's program. These clothes were hidden to remind me of where I was.

Well, first horror, absolute HORROR! Then giggles started in my room!!!!

First is a picture of me with a bathing suit that I thought helped me look THINNER!!!!
Linda standing inside one side of swimsuit
I am actually standing inside one side of that bathing suit! What in the world was I thinking when I wore it!!!!

Next is me with my favorite size 28 jumper!!!
This jumper was tight on me when I used to wear it
Was that really me? PLUS that jumper and that bathing suit were tight on me when I wore them!!!!

My husband and I just got back from a trip! This next picture was a thrill for me!!! I USED TO NEED A SEAT BELT EXTENDER!!!

No more seat belt extensions when I fly
I had fun that day I cleaned out my closet! Then, I carefully put away those old clothes away for another day when I will pull them out again and remember where I came from.

One thing I noticed, my whole total thought process has changed. On all the other plans I have been on, I always, and I mean always, no matter how I stuck to those plans, deep in my mind, I always doubted loosing all my weight and keeping it off.

This time as I played with those sad old clothes, I noticed, there is no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, that I will never gain the weight back again. This program is so ingrained in me, I live it and breathe it. It has become me!

I am 1 or 2 sizes away from my goal. I am looking forward to beginning the maintenance process when I reach that goal.

This has been a journey of intense patience, learning, laughter, tears, victories, soul searching. I have made so many new friends on this journey and shared so much with people!

How are all of you doing?

Everyone's journey is different and unique to themselves! We really do have the tools!!! I have discovered that so many times over and over again!!!


I will close with another picture:
Half her size, Linda is happier in her skin than ever before
The woman who wore that suit is long gone! I feel like a butterfly who has hatched!

I will never have the perfect body (that is a whole other blog post), but I am so much happier in my skin than I have ever been before!!!!


What's in Your Way?

Milk: is it the final frontier? Are you mindful of the amount of fats you take in a day? How often do you eat chicken wings, bacon, or cold cuts? Are you eating more cheese and yogurt than we're allowed? How much milk do you drink in a day? Seriously--stop and think about this--do you eat more fat than you should in a day or a week? How much is too much? You know how much is too much, but okay, let's go there...if Julie spent the entire day with you, would you change your food choices?

Up until recently, I drank 3 cups of coffee every morning, but in early March I increased my coffee consumption to 7-8 cups a day. Coffee wasn't my concern, because my mug is only half filled with coffee. My concern was the amount of hot foamy milk I added to each cup of coffee.

I put a half cup of milk in my frother and after it foams up I add it to my coffee. This equals 1½ cups of milk, which isn't a problem. That is unless I'm drinking 7-8 cups of coffee, which adds up to 3½-4 cups of milk per day. That's a whole lot of fat and that's a problem, especially considering I was also eating too much cheese and yogurt, and I wasn't exercising. Now we're talking about a big fat problem.

In addition to the amount of fat in milk–milk turns to sugar*, which is probably why I started drinking so much milk. I was using hot and foamy milk as a way to deal with stress. No amount of milk, cheese, or yogurt will resolve stress. I know this, but for nearly a month, I battled with myself and continued on with my milk, cheese, and yogurt party.

As my clothes began to feel tight I had an epiphany: Milk is the thing between me and my size 8's. I can't let a little thing like milk get in my way. It's all about the math:
No exercise + extra fat = no weight loss or weight gain.
Wait, wait, back up. Did I just say out loud that my clothes were feeling tight? Yes, I did. It was a frightful feeling that I walked around with for about a week. I freaked out. I pondered. I freaked out.

I didn't talk about it because I didn't dare. I've been doing this program for over four years and I have never had this happen: my clothes have always become loser–never tighter! I was following the program, so why were my clothes getting tighter? I had to work out the answer by myself, which is precisely what I did.

I realized I could no longer drink that much milk, and that I had to stop eating cheese and yogurt. I realized I had not been following the program.

On March 28th I decided the party was over. The next morning I cut back to 5 cups of coffee a day and five days later I cut back to two cups a day. I also broke up with yogurt and cheese. I have Parmesan in the house for meatballs and meatloaf only. When I eat out I ask them to hold the cheese. If an item comes with cheese, I will eat it, but I don't ask for it.

I looked to see where else I was eating too much fat in my diet. I don't eat chicken wings often, perhaps once a month or less. If you're eating wings several times a week, you may want to reconsider, as there isn't much chicken on them and there's a whole lot of fat. I haven't bought bacon in a long time, but I decided to no longer order bacon on my burgers. I was eating a lot of fatty meats and mystery meats. I'm stepping away from the deli counter, as I was eating bologna and salami far too often. I'm also pulling back on deli coleslaw and focusing on green veggies. I sauté kale with onions and garlic a couple times a week. It's really yummy and my new favorite vegetable.

I made one more change: I started walking again. I joined a 7am Saturday morning walking group last Saturday. I walked by myself on Sunday and Monday. On Wednesday I discovered I had lost my FitBit and by Friday I realized I had also lost my motivation to walk. Yesterday morning when I joined my walking group, I used an iPhone app to track my distance. I used the app again later that morning when I walked another 45 minutes with my friend and her dog and again when I mall walked. By the end of the day I walked a total of 11,373 steps (4.90 miles).

I'm determined nothing is going to get in my way of reaching my goal size eight this year, so on my way home last night, I picked up a FitBit Charge. My FitBit keeps me motivated plus one of the features of the Charge is it cheers you when you reach your daily goal. Who doesn't love getting cheered? It vibrates, so nobody but you knows. LOL!

This morning I walked 12,900 steps (5.56 miles) as I talked with a friend who walked in Long Beach, CA. It feels great to be walking again. Size eight–here I come!

How about you? What's in your way that's keeping you from reaching your goal? If you've been stuck in the same size, it may be time to take stock of what you're eating and how much activity you're doing.

It's time to spring into action and remove any obstacles between you and your goal size.

*Confused about milking turning to sugar in our bodies? Here's a few articles that explain this: