Fess up--you know you did at least one of these quick fix diets! I sure did! I am embarrassed to admit to how many I did, but pleased to announce there are many I didn’t do! Some of these are quite bizarre!
Ear stapling was quite popular. Grossed me out when I would see people playing with the staples in their ears or the pins in their ears. Supposed to hit a pressure point that controls appetite. I am sorry, in my opinion all it did was put extra holes in your ears that you didn’t need!! Maybe that started the fashion trend we see now!
Eat according to your blood type. Never made sense to me!
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Remember Ayds?? The yummy candy we were supposed to eat before meals! They came in caramel, chocolate, peanut butter and probably a few other favors. They were good! Heck, if you were supposed to eat one before meals and it was supposed to work, well, I certainly figured the more the better. I gained weight on them, but they were sure good.
Then there were the people who got their jaws wired shut. Not only scary, but looked horrid! I heard of people figuring out how to pulverize pizza to fit through a straw, and goodness sakes, what if you had to throw up.
When I was a kid I remember people wrapping themselves in saran wrap while they exercised! That stuff flew off the shelves for a while!
The cabbages soup diet! If you could stand the smell of the cabbage soup in your house and you could stick with it for at least a few days, you lost weight alright. You also lost friends at that time because of all the cabbage you were eating, makes for lots of gas!
500 calories a day. When I was a kid, my mom’s doctor recommended that for me. I WAS STARVING! That is not much to eat at all and when you are a kid, that makes for a miserable existence.
The carbohydrate addicts diet. You followed their plan all day and then for 1 hour only you could eat whatever you wanted. That was the most fun hour I ever had. I ate all kinds of good stuff! Didn’t loose much, but boy oh boy, I sure loved that 1 hour a day!!
Diet based on foods from the Bible. Well I tried that, not to exciting, and, I figured out, even though wine is part of the Bible, it probably wasn’t part of the diet!
Taking supplements that would expand in your stomach! That one was different! Cost me a fortune, and no matter how many I took, and no matter how much they expanded, there was always room for a lot of food!!!
People have had a balloon inserted into their stomachs to take up room! REALLY?
There are people that are injecting themselves with pregnant women’s urine!! Again, REALLY? Why oh why would a pregnant woman donate her urine, and I can’t even think about injecting that into my body!
Even though it was illegal, Speed was a big hit for loosing weight. All it did was make your heart race, got you all antsy and you made someone else rich when you bought it!
Then there was the KE diet. That stands for Ketogenic Enteral Nutrition. The dieter got a small nasal tube inserted into their nose going all the way into their stomach through which a liquid solution drips constantly. YUK! YUK! And YUK!
Then there was the counting your chewing. You were supposed to chew each bite of food for, I think, 30 chews. Exhausting!! Made your jaws sore.
Then slim fast. If you could stand the taste of the stuff. I used to drink mine as a milk shake, with a great meal!! Totally defeating the purpose!
Then there were all the diet pills: fen-phen, alli, phentermine and all the others. A doctors prescription in my mind made them worthwhile, they must have worked if the doctor was prescribing them! Right? Wrong! Just got my heart racing, and the one that made the fats you ate go right through you, don’t remember the name, you could eat all the fat you wanted and this pill would make it pass right out, but WOW, if you weren’t near a bathroom…
The hard boiled egg diet!! You ate as many hard boiled eggs as you wanted, and Crystal light or water you could drink. Besides causing gas, well, I got sick of eggs!
The lemon and lime diet. You could only have lemons and limes and water.
The bread diet. You had to eat a whole loaf of bread a day, was supposed to stop cravings!
The pocket diet. You could only eat what you could stuff into a pita pocket. Let me tell you, I could stuff a lot into a pita. Especially ice cream with chocolate sauce!
The beer and ice cream diet. Basically the idea is that it takes calories to heat what you ingest, so eating ice cream and drinking cold beer will burn calories as you raise it to body temperature. If you were constantly busy, try a beer float and take your lunch to go. If you are an alcoholic with a sweet tooth you can be fit in no time.
I remember people wanting to do the tapeworm diet. I won’t even get into that one!
There was the Stillman diet. All protein, no veggies or anything else. A bit much!
Optifast. You went to a hospital to check in, only had their shakes and a lean cuisine for supper. I used to go to the meetings then head to McDonalds for one of their personal size pizzas when they had them!
There was the cookie diet, all the diet centers where you had to buy only their food, fruit fasts, Hollywood juice diet, Herbalife and I could go on and on. I made a lot of people rich with all the nonsense ways I tried to loose weight!
There are so many more crazy diets out there! I am SO thankful I found Julie and am eating like a normal person and loosing.
If you know of any other crazy diets, whether you did them or not, please post them!!! and be thankful we are not in that craziness anymore!